Jan 31Liked by Amy Fritz

I agree with your “let’s design a different system”. I just had a super strong, visceral reaction to this quote. Again, of course like you mentioned with the caveats of I just read this vs watching the video and of course, taken out of context from the rest of his message.

My scattered but strong thoughts....it’s so easy for leaders from the stage to look out on the people coming in late, leaving 5 minutes early or even leaning over to whisper to their neighbor mid service and to pass judgement. I think a lot of the time this comes from the stresses and anxieties and insecurities of leadership.....or of course just toxic leadership

If church is truly a ‘welcoming family’ can we try to hold space for what MAY be going on that we can’t see or don’t know. Maybe the person sneaking in late was struggling to even walk through the doors of the church- maybe they have mental health struggles that cause crippling anxiety and it feels like a victory for them to just drag themselves into the church after struggling all morning with whether they could or not....if they heard this quote in the message would they turn red with embarrassment and give up, never to return to the church again? (Do we realize AA meetings will often sincerely embrace latecomers to the tune of “Joe, we’re so glad you’re here!”)

I have many many more thoughts but this topic fires me up. What would happen if Churches and church leadership made an effort to put down judgement and stress induced shaming of the flock in place of radical empathy and radical sincere love? 🤔

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Amy Fritz

Many younger adults left years ago to avoid the ‘big show’, fed up. Here’s an old article, “Yet amidst this exodus, some church leaders have identified another movement as cause for hope: rather than abandoning Christianity, some young people are joining more traditional, liturgical denominations—notably the Roman Catholic, Anglican, and Orthodox branches of the faith. This trend is deeper than denominational waffling: it’s a search for meaning that goes to the heart of our postmodern age.”

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Thank you for responding to that video with level headed grace and humility.

We need more of that.

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I enjoyed reading your thoughts on this. I love to see your brain working to analyze everything you read and hear. I love your questioning that results in such a well-written response to all that this Tweet represented to those who wonder about what motivates a pastor to put on this show, while condemning it, and then shares it as a clip on social media. It’s crazy making to see the church putting on such displays of nonsense. I was so sick of the shows that left me empty in a church who for decades prided itself in being true to the Word. I am now happily rediscovering peace, meaning, and love in an Anglican tradition. The ancient rites and liturgies are so refreshing.

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Well said, Amy!

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